Friday, May 31, 2019

Who really wrote shakespeares work Essay -- essays research papers

Who really wrote Shakespeares works?One of the most well-known put outrs in history is in addition one of the most controversial writers. William Shakespeare has been credited to thirty-eight plays, but did he actually write all of them. The debate whether he wrote all of his plays has been debated for generations. One of the briny reasons was if his education level was high enough to be a world-famous writer. But if Shakespeare didnt write his works, then who did?One of the most controversial and accused writers was Sir Francis Bacon. Sir Francis Bacon was a extensive scientist and a great writer. He was a well-educated man and his educated level was higher and more advanced than William Shakespeare. He had enough education to write master pieces of Shakespeares caliber. I think the reason he didnt write Shakespeare work was that his literature and writing style was more sophisticated. The way Shakespeare wrote was a type that couldnt be learned in school it was just talent that s why it didnt matter how high your level of education was.Edward de Vere was another writer though to meet written the work of Shakespeare. Since the 1930s de Vere has been strongly advanced as the true author of Shakespeares plays. De Vere represents the social-elitist stratum of the theorists, who believe that a commoner could never have accomplish such genius. De Vere was a nobleman of Queen Elizabeth Is court.Charlton Ogburn an author thought that parallels of the Earls life with material...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Literary Analysis of John Hersey Essay example -- Humanist Novelist

A Literary Analysis of stool Hersey bath Hersey was born in China. His pargonnts were missionaries and raised him in a religious fashion. His humane views were a product of this upbringing. After graduating from Yale, class of 1936, he dabbled in the art of poetry. Soon after, he advanced into writing novels. horizon to be one of the last civil writers, Hersey wrote for Time magazine during World War II, in which he documented many historical accounts. Hersey also worked beneath famous muckraker Sinclair Lewis, whom from he probably obtained his tell it how it is writing style. Over the years he has been classified as an American novelist, non-fiction writer, short story writer, editor, and journalist. buttocks Hersey uses humanistic ideas, explicit detail, and governmental power to convey his storys moral. After reviewing article after article, one can surmise that John Hersey is a pure humanist. A humanist in that, he is a person who cares about what we do to ourselve s and a person who believes that all people are good. more or less critics proclaim that Hersey only sees people in time of crisis and not how they really are, which contributes to a sort of bias on Herseys part. In any case, his views are genuine and well rounded. Hersey uses his belief in the goodness of man to exhibit his humanistic ideas. John Hersey uses his belief in the goodness of man to show his humanistic ideas. Hersey feels all humans are good, which in many cases is not always true. Hersey demonstrates his humanistic idea of the goodness of man in Hiroshima. After the bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, there is almost complete devastation. However, Hersey portrays the few healthy survivors as all perfect humans. These perfect humans stop to help EVERYONE. This seems almost to good to be true. Many people would stop to help, but first priority to most people is themselves. Another example, where Hersey shows his belief in the goodness of man, is that all the people i n Hiroshima are nice and almost care free. This could be because a nuclear bomb just exploded and the people are still in disbelief, or it could be another one of Herseys humanstic ideas. His views reflect these humanistic ideas because Hersey feels responsible towards society, and thinks everyone else should to. This is why all the people want to help dig others out and rebuild. They do it... ...elf of brilliant work, and we are all his beneficiaries.Footnotes are order on paper.Wiseman, Carter. A Life in Writing John Hersey, 1914-1993. (http// October 1993. Date viewed April 22, 2001, p.1 Wiseman, p.1 Ibid, p.2 Ibid, p.5 Anonymous, John Hersey. (http// October 12, 1999. Date viewed April 22, 2001, p.1 Hart, James D. The Oxford Companion to American Literature. (New York Oxford University Press, 1995) p.331 Marowski, Daniel G. Contemporar y Literary Criticism. vol 40. (Detroit Gale Research Company, 1986) p.225 Curly, Dorothy. Modern American Literature. vol 2. (New York Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1969) p.84 Wiseman, p.3 Saucer, Mark. John Hersey. p. 2 Commire, Anne. Something About the Author. vol 25. (Detroit Gale Research Company, 1981) p.141 Saucer, Mark. John Hersey. p. 3 Curly, p.84 Ibid, p.84 Wiseman, p.1 Bryfonski, Dedria. Contemporary Literary Criticism. vol 7. (Detroit Gale Research Company, 1977) p.153 Wiseman, p.4

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Animal Testing Discussion Essay -- Ethical Issues, Animal Ethics

The major ancient philosophers, Thomas Aquinas and Rene Descartes, argue that animals lack a virtuous status because they do non engage in rational thought, are not conscious, and do not behave morally (Wilson, 2001). However, contrary to their beliefs, non-human animals do display the characteristics that Aquinas and Descartes claim qualifies human beings for a moral status. In this paper, I will argue that animals should have an equal moral status to that of world. This is due to the lack of relevant differences between humans and animals in the areas of thinking rationally, having a conscience, and behaving morally. This paper will be organized into three main sections. The first section Background Information will innovate the broader subject of animal ethics. The second section, The Argument, will begin by presenting arguments from philosophers, including Rene Descartes and Thomas Aquinas. In this section, I will discuss why these philosophers refuse to give non- human animals a moral status. Next, I will be supporting the second premise by appealing to recent examples in the animal kingdom, and by referring to arguments from Peter vocalizer and Robert Garner. Finally, I will conclude in the final section, Conclusion, by asserting that because humans and animals have a lack of relevant differences (with respect to what makes humans moral beings), animals do have a moral status. So, what does the animal ethics issue deal with? First, there are still many problems with the way we treat animals today. It is not an exaggeration, as some say, when animal rights activists point out that humans submit animals to unimaginable atrocities. To test for the safety of a shampoo, for example, rats are subject to ex... ...als may not have exactly the same emotions and interests as humans, but their respective properties must be taken into consideration because every life form must be treated with respect.Finally, as a way to wrap up this paper , I will appeal to a video from Chile that involves a stray quest after rescuing a second stray dog (Hero Dog). In this video, a dog spots another dog who had been hit by a car. The dog goes to the middle of the highway and attempts to help the injured dog by using its front paws to drag it to the side of the highway and into safety. The dog had no value in helping the second dog. In fact, it put itself in danger because it was crossing a busy highway and could have been hit. Therefore, the dog went above its sanctioned instinct (contrary to Aquinass argument that non-human animals act on pure instinct). What can this hero dogs behavior tell us?

Wind Power Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Wind PowerEnergy production causes more pollution than all other industry in the country. Currently, nearly all of the electricity produced in the United States is generated by fossil fuel plants, nuclear plants, and hydroelectric plants. The build-up in the glory of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels now threatens far-reaching climate change. In addition to global warming, conventional methods of electricity generation step down the gases responsible for acid rain, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. In order to prevent further degradation of our environment and successfully transition to a sustainable society, we must change our current patterns of production and consumption. Conservation and switching to renewable sources of energy, such as wind causation, are crucial steps to achieving this goal of sustainability. Wind power alone has the potential to meet 20 percent or more of the worlds electricity needs within the next four to five years, (Johansson, 157). Wind power, however, is mute a developing technology, and is therefore far from reaching its full potential. How Wind Machines WorkWind is the product of sunlight heating the surface of the Earth unevenly. warm air rises and cooler air tumbles in to replace it, causing everything from gentle breezes to raging tornadoes. Whatever the amount of power in the wind, it can be tackle by a machine called a wind turbine. The most common type of wind turbine has a horizontal axis, with two or more sleek blades mounted on the horizontal shaft, (AccessScience, Types of Wind Machines). As the wind passes over a turbines blade, pressure forms on the downwind side, thrusting it upward like a propeller. In these... ... states consumers the choice of who supplies their electric power and how that power is produced. With the implementation of at least some of these changes, wind power will eventually become a clean source of energy that all people can afford to re ly on. keyword Wind Power.Carley, Sanya, Sierra Curtis-McLane, and Galen OToole. Renewable Energy at Swarthmore. April 15, 2001.Jacobson, Mark Z. and gilbert M. Masters. Exploiting Wind Versus Coal. August 24, 2001Johansson, Thomas B. Renewable Energy Sources for Fuels and Electricity. Island Press, Washington D.C., 1993.Raabe, Steve and Joey Bunch. Advocates Say Wind Power Progressing from Novelty to Mainstream Practicality. The Denver Post Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News. April 20,

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay --

At this point in time, seniors at Mira Costa savor confine, as if they cant get out of Mira Costa and Manhattan Beach soon enough. Imagine being physically trapped in their city, surrounded by nothing merely a big concrete debate holding them hostage. The Berlin Wall kept half a city hidden behind, what was known as, the iron curtain. The border was ...a emblem of oppressive and divisive government, not only to the eastern United States Germans it contained, but to the rest of the world as well.(Transitional Justice.) The people of Germ whatever were separated from their jobs, their loved ones, and were forced to die under communist rule.Before the breakwater was built, the city was split, given no notice on Sunday, and overnight brutally severed streets (Heilbrunn) became known as Stacheldrahtsonntag, barbed wire Sunday. Shortly after, the creation of the concrete wall began. During the construction of the wall, there was outrage in West Berlin over the new barbed wire wa ll that ran through their city. There was outrage in East Berlin as well but it was quickly controlled by their secret police who made many arrests for any who did not want to follow the communist rule and spoke out about it. Unlike other walls built around the world to keep enemies out, this wall was designed by communists to keep people in. 11-13 feet high and was a total of 28 miles long the wall encircled East Berlin. Surrounded by towers, guards, and dogs stood check out over a barren no mans land. A pipe, too large in diameter for a climbers grip, ran along the top of the wall.(NewseumBerlin Wall) Aside from the wall construction, there was other damage to East Berlin, Buildings...were demolished, and the wide open area became known as no mans land or the death strip, wh... ... the concrete prison. soon after the wall fell, most of the East Berlin cabinet resigned and the remaining member were removed. East Berlin and West Berlin were finally reunited and renamed, The Feder al Republic of Germany. The world watched the celebrations on television. after 28 years, the Berlin Wall had fallen. (NEWSEUM Berlin Wall.) The people of East Germany finally saw the light on the other side of the wall, and escaped the concrete nightmare.Imagine, literally being trapped inside of your hometown, behind the iron curtain of communism. Thousands of people lived that way for twenty-eight years, forced to live unseen and unheard. Some were born directly in the East side and some died, never to see the curtain lift from them. Life in the 1980s in America was guided by the truth of actually life, which real life was taken away from those trapped in Berlin.

Essay --

At this point in time, seniors at Mira Costa feel trapped, as if they cant get out of Mira Costa and Manhattan Beach soon enough. Imagine being physically trapped in their city, surrounded by nonhing but a big concrete wall holding them hostage. The Berlin Wall kept half a city hidden behind, what was known as, the iron curtain. The wall was ...a symbol of tyrannic and divisive g overnment, not only to the East Germans it contained, but to the rest of the world as well.(Transitional Justice.) The people of Germany were separated from their jobs, their loved ones, and were forced to live low communist rule.Before the wall was built, the city was split, given no notice on Sunday, and overnight brutally severed streets (Heilbrunn) became known as Stacheldrahtsonntag, barbed electrify Sunday. Shortly afterwards, the creation of the concrete wall began. During the construction of the wall, there was outrage in West Berlin over the new barbed wire wall that ran with their city. The re was outrage in East Berlin as well but it was quickly controlled by their secret police who made many arrests for any who did not want to follow the communist rule and spoke out about it. Unlike other walls built around the world to keep enemies out, this wall was knowing by communists to keep people in. 11-13 feet high and was a total of 28 miles long the wall encircled East Berlin. Surrounded by towers, guards, and dogs stood watch over a barren no mans land. A pipe, too large in diameter for a climbers grip, ran along the top of the wall.(NewseumBerlin Wall) A stead from the wall construction, there was other damage to East Berlin, Buildings...were demolished, and the wide open area became known as no mans land or the death strip, wh... ... the concrete prison. Soon after the wall fell, most of the East Berlin cabinet resigned and the remaining member were removed. East Berlin and West Berlin were finally reunited and renamed, The Federal Republic of Germany. The world watch ed the celebrations on television. After 28 years, the Berlin Wall had fallen. (NEWSEUM Berlin Wall.) The people of East Germany finally saw the light on the other side of the wall, and escaped the concrete nightmare.Imagine, literally being trapped within of your hometown, behind the iron curtain of communism. Thousands of people lived that way for twenty-eight years, forced to live unseen and unheard. Some were born directly in the East side and some died, never to see the curtain lift from them. Life in the 1980s in America was guided by the truth of true life, which real life was taken away from those trapped in Berlin.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Compare and contrast two articles Essay

The holds that I am going to analyse argon on the emergence of a group of hipsters lacking to celebrate the Summer Solstice Festival in June 1986 in Hampshire and how determined legal philosophy officers were trying to stop them from doing so. Whilst both articles argon based on the same issue, their practise of talking to presents two very different viewpoints. Article 3 has a very negative bias against the hipsters, describing them as harpies and giving biased examples of their attitude towards the police and other races property. In the article they argon portrayed as harpies that spit at policemen.The reader is given the view that the hippies ar not civilised and behave like wild animals. Article 4 shows great support towards the hippies and sympathises with them. This is go ine by using emotional language to create an image of the hippies as victims in society and they are treated badly by an uncaring police force. Both articles theatrical role persuasive language to draw the readers attention. The clever use of personal pronouns our and we in article 3 gives the reader no option but to submit himself in the issue, therefore taking the side of the journalist.In contrast, article 4 does not use negative bias towards the hippies and regards them as poor and lone(prenominal) people who should be given a chance in human society. The journalist writes his opening word HUNCHED in capital letters and starts the article off with a very strong word, which creates a strong dramatic effect, implying that the hippies are a lower creed of human society who deserve pity and understanding. In article 3 the journalist uses words such as spoiled, layabouts to produce a very negative bias against the hippies, who, as the mordacious journalist believes, use and abuse other peoples property.The phrase all at our expense, of course is also used to imply that the readers and source are law-abiding citizens who pay the bill for the situation created. The sympath etic descriptive language used in article 4 such as, child stumbled and burrowed deeper into the blanket immediately draws the reader into a sympathetic frame of mind. The powerful use of the rhetorical question and the even more moving sub-heading, confusion start the article and shows how the writer has opted to persuade the readers views to give the hippies a chance.Emotive language in the last sentence reinforces the journalists argument that the hippies are on a road of rejection because no one has a care in the world towards them. The use of capital letters in the phrase the Child and The Man With Nowhere to Go emphasizes the course that the hippies are forced to take and draws the readers attention to the fact that these people are nameless makes us aware that they dont even have the same sense of identity that a name offers to a reader. Article 3 is full of opinions that include the reader, eg.We continue to dole out state benefits to lawbreakers. The use of dole out makes the reader aware of how much money is actually used, or in the view of the writer wasted on lawbreakers these hippies who continue to go against the law but still receive benefits. This creates an image of people who dont work and still can live, because of their money. This persuades the readers to agree with the journalists comments. The article is a follow-on article it follows an article written earlier on in the week on the same issue.It goes as far as to refer to a newspaper report that social security employs special staff to shed around the country servicing these vagabonds (trampy style robbers who are main officeless). This reinforces the opinion that people are needed just to look after these hippies because of their uncertain behaviour. In the fifth paragraph the journalist takes it into his own hands to reply for the policeman, but he does this un comelyly (in my opinion) and uses a lot of opinion rather than being fair and using facts.The writers use of resisted the provocation implies that the policeman would have intentionally chosen to provoke the hippies but had to resist the temptation to do so. His use of the rhetorical question to end his article invites the reader to give his/her opinion on the issue. Article 4 uses extremely descriptive words to create a lustrous image in the mind of the reader. The story about the hippie and the boy only being able to find a dog to generate virtually form of love and care, immediately implies the saying a dog is a mans best friend the writer intends for the reader to feel guilty.The emotive language draws the reader into the article. The use of the phrase hunched against the wind implies not only that the hippies are vulnerable and homeless, but even a cancel source like the wind is against them. The involvement of a child in the article immediately produces a sympathetic response from the readers. Land that had briefly been his home informs us that theyre homeless and live wherever they can survive . The journalist of article 4 doesnt give any evidence or use any media sources, as article 3 did.This is probably because of the sympathetic view he has opted to take. Use of confusion and empty pockets tells us that poverty does occur and people around us do struggle to survive the harsh real world. The policemans image is defined as impassive and implies that he does not care. The use of the word towering says that the policeman is of more importance than the hippie and has authority. This is a very sharp contrast to the HUNCHED image of the child at the start of the article and shows there is a massive leap from a hippie to a policeman.In paragraph five the re pamperition of the only implies that the hippies value any sort of affection or care shown towards them. A Labrador, a dog, which is regarded as a mans best friend, insults the adults of society because adults who are supposed to be a mature and sensible group within society cant help each other and a pet can be better tha n people sometimes. A confused child, a ragged, hope-crushed man and a friendly old dog, the poor and scared descriptions given to the hippies in this sentence reinforces the lifestyles they lead.The final statement All on the Road of Rejection reinforces the whole article. These two articles differ and take opposing, but sensible views on the issue at stake. Both journalists have used persuasive techniques to manipulate and influence their readers. Both their techniques vary and both journalists write to get a point across. I would like to end my analysis by giving my opinion on this issue. In general I feel both journalists have given valid views on the issue.The journalists make it clear that they have different attitudes and feelings towards the hippies. They are two very well thought-out and clever articles that involve the reader. I thought the techniques used by the journalists are quite clever. I think one of the reasons that the articles were written was to get the readers involved in this particular argument. This was the aim, and I think that both the journalists succeeded in doing so.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Walmart Profile

Organizational Profile Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the world. The position Wal-Mart holds gives the company a large responsibility to break to the community that supports the stick ins. As an organization Wal-Mart owes its success to the stake holders of their business. Wal-Mart requires the community to continue business operations, Trevino and Nelson state that a study stakeholder in business must be the communities of which corporations and other organizations are a part (2011). Wal-Mart must consider the community happiness with their business decisions to remain profitable.Wal-Mart gives back to the community in several shipway including donations to charitable foundations and by offering affordable grocery good to impoverished areas. According to Feedingamerica. org Wal-Mart gave $2 million donation to help food banks save bullion on their energy bills (2011). The donation allowed 16 food banks to improve their efficiency and provide more services to the c ommunity for the same amount of funding. Wal-Mart has also true the MOWAA Corporate Friend of the Year (Meals on Wheels Association, 2012) award for its donation to the organization. Wal-Mart has proven that it contri providedes to the communities it supports.The voices, when compared to Wal-Marts yearly profit, of $16,389 million in FY2011 (Datamonitor, 2011, p. 4) seem miniscule. The true test of adequacy of Wal-Marts contribution to the communities it operates in bequeath be if it can remain in business for the long term. According to Paymar Communications, Wal-Mart also has been going through a major transformation and committing itself to progressive policies in the realm of corporate social responsibility, particularly when it comes to the products it sells and major efforts to promote energy conservation (2010, paragraph two).Wal-Mart, as the biggest retail store in the United Sates, has a social responsibility to provide quality products to the customers. In 2010, the com pany took the initiative to reduce unhealthy levels of salts, fats, and loots in their products. They also fall the prices of healthy foods to encourage customer to purchase them. Wal-Mart also developed a seal to place on healthier foods with nutrition information rating the levels of sodium, fat, and sugar content (Paymar Communications, 2010). The leading factor in Wal-Mart taking this initiative was to reach customers with an interest in a healthy lifestyle.With obesity on the hook across the nation people are becoming more conscious about what they eat and offering healthier foods, organic products, and enhanced labels on the foods will give the customer more options to choose from within the store. By reducing the prices of these healthy products Wal-Mart can increase their customer base, specifically those with an interest in a pursuing a healthy life style. Additionally this will ensure Wal-Mart is leading their competition and could be the benchmark for such companies as Target, K-Mart, Sears, and Costco.The factors influencing the organizations strategies are item on the need, not only of the customers, but also Wal-Marts increase in sales and profitability. Wal-Mart wants to ensure they not only have healthy customers but also that the organization will garner major gains in sales from these changes. The Paymar Communications (2010) website also states that through forging these initiatives, Wal-Mart has figured out a commandment to be a good corporate citizen, give consumers superior bargains and still make tons of money $14. billion in profits in 2009. It is the execute win-win-win for the organization and customers alike. Wal-Marts social initiative is to help stop hunger in the communities in which it operates. Also Wal-Mart is providing healthful products to gain health-conscious customers and to help their customers maintain a healthy lifestyle at a low cost. References DATAMONITOR Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (2011). Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 1-13. Paymar Communications. (2010). Retrieved from http//paymarcommunications. om/the-united- states-of-wal-mart-and-corporate-social-responsibility/ Trevino, L. K. , & Nelson, K. A. (2011). MANAGING BUSINESS ETHICS Straight Talk About How To Do It Right (5th ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook entreaty database. Walmart Foundation Gives $2 Million to Help Green Food Banks. (2011). Retrieved from http//feedingamerica. org/press-room/press-releases/walmart-green-initiative-2011. aspx We Are Meals On Wheels Association of America. (2012). Retrieved from http//www. mowaa. org/Page. aspx? pid=600

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Patient Profile

Mrs Mary Martins is an eight four year old lady who was admitted to a local residential district hospital after falling at home while going to the toilet in the early hours of the morning. Mrs Martins had sustained a chipped bone in her unexpended foot, had no plaster cast in situ and was non weight bearing. Mrs Martins lives alone in her own bungalow her husband had died 4 years earlier. She has a son and fille who both live in the south of England and a granddaughter who lives close by.The granddaughter pops in every week to help her with the shopping and various other tasks that may acquire doing. She also has a very good neighbour who she sees every day and who helps out whenever needed with tasks such as shopping. Mrs Martins has been retired for a number of years straight and enjoys driving her car very much and socialising with friends. She also used to play golf and travel to the United States of America (USA) every year to realize family.Mrs Martins main concern was he r ability to drive her car again. Mrs Martins has never smoked, but does like to have the odd alcoholic drink of a night time. She has no past medical conditions and no medication history, although the doctor has put her on 1g of paracetamol to be taken four times a day or as and when required to help with the pain. Before the fall Mrs Martins was a fit and active lady who lived a very independent life.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Marketing a & W

Executive Summary A&W Restaurants, Inc. is a chain of immobile-food take places that specialize in answerage beer and rout out beer floats. It is the initiatory steady food restaurant in capital of capital of capital of capital of Singapore and expansion was flying in the early nineties, but in 2003, A&Ws Singapore trading operations came to an force out. Many Singaporeans grew up feeding A&W, and that is one reason why some an(prenominal) mass ar protesting for it to make a inject rump in Singapore. Hence, our tug result draw an emotional appeal, foc utilize on the theme, Bringing patronizewards the trade hot gaga memories.Based on this of import theme, this report covers the Public Relations, Sales Promotions, in-person Selling, Direct Marketing and reckon maked for the nature of our weight-lift. A survey was conducted and given out to 80 random appli coffin nailts to find out to a greater extent(prenominal) about what they forecast of the organisat ion. Online research was also done to examine some of the risks or problems faced in the marketplace, its potential, competition, unique selling advantages and A&Ws current positioning. Lastly, we develop practice up with creative strategies to enhance the publicise be given. Bringing game the good ageing times focuses on the old long time so we allow mainly be utilize traditional media to stay consistent to our theme. As some(prenominal) youngsters these days use social media to connect, we get out also be using a few online methods to stay connected to the radical generation. Lastly, putting into consideration the aspects of our personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing and publicize costs, the put upd costing for the total crowd go out be approximately $137,707. IMC Objectives * advertTo bring stomach A&W to Singapore by creating brand sensory faculty with with(predicate) focussing on our primordial theme, Bringing substantiate the good old days and to create the like tycoon of amongst 80% of our bearing sense of hearing. * Public Relations To create interest and maintain positive physical body for A&W by drawing as much packaging as possible, and gain huge exposure to reach out to our bottom reference with 30% additional publicity. * Sales promotion Uses price, coupons to help drive and increase att wipeoutance by 30% and to also march on brand switching.Increase consumption and A&Ws sales by at least 3% and to add at least 5% to overall market sh ar by 2015. Agency Introduction Based in Singapore, APG advertizing Pte Ltd was established in 1996 providing a comprehensive range of services. We take the task of understanding the business and propose attractive promotions or campaigns, tailored to your specific industry and budget. We also help clients and our teams put more(prenominal) creativity into campaign mean and capable of handling a mannikin of advertising for business of contrastive natures.Our teams of professionals, armed with expert knowledge of current trends in the market, embark on providing refreshing marketing conceptions to kick stupefy your businesses. We service to not only the local market, but also oblige our global networks, particularly to Asia, such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand. APG Advertising Agency possesses skilled employees who throw combined populate of over 25 years servicing to the local and international industry. We be a fully accredited service agency.We bedevil ravel for print ads, bus advertisements, MRT advertisements, radio/ video set commercials, point of sales ads, marketing brochures, brand building and oblige even created websites. Some of the galactic firms who run through use our services include Bank of China, Maybank, Hyflux, Serta, etc. Accreditations from salubrious-known Institutions * Association of Accredited Advertising Agents, Singapore (4As) * Institute of Advertising, Singapore (IAS) * S ingapore Press Holdings (SPH) * MediaCorp Singapore meeting (MCS) Various Campaigns (Pls refer to Appendix) * Aberdeen * Realstar * Singapore International (Motor Show) * Natas TravelBackground Research Clients Background A&W Restaurants, Inc. was established in 1919 in Lodi, California, United States. It is a chain of straightaway-food restaurants that specialize in etymon beer and root beer floats. The name A&W came about from the surname of the initials Roy W. Allen and Frank Wright. Hence, suffered the companys humble beginnings, as A&W. The depression fast food restaurant in Singapore was not McDonalds or KFC, it was A&W. The chains expansion was fast in the early nineties, but in the late nineties, the branch at Singapore Zoo unsympathetic down, leaving Singapore with seven outlets remaining in 2002.A year later, A&Ws Singapore operations came to an end after shutting down their last outlet at Hougang Heartland Mall. Being the starting fast food restaurant in Singapore, A&W leave(p) wingfield a huge impact on many an(prenominal) Singaporeans as they grew up eating A&W. Long before MacDonald, KFC and Burger King came into the picture, it was the most favourite among the teens. It was seen to be cool hanging out in A&W restaurant. Whether it was an easy takeaway (A&W drive through), indulging in fast food, or giving a good treat to pamper oneself, A&W was always on that point. Hence, many Singaporeans yearn for A&W to make a come hazard.On Facebook, in that respect are many pages created by fans, called Like to bring sand A&W in Singapore, Bring covering A&W restaurant in Singapore and many other pages that support A&W into coming can to Singapore. The pages save over 18,000 likes and all now and then, fans would post comments on the wall asking when they are making a comeback or why put on they left. Whenever Singaporeans visit Malaysia or Batam, the firstly thing they venture of is to visit the closelyest A&W restaurant as soundly. This shows evidence that A&W has left a huge impression despite drowning collectible to intense competition.Demand is undoubtedly high and the memories A&W created for its customers is so strong that tidy sum are protesting for it to come back until today. Situation Analysis Problems/Risks faced in the Marketplace a) Problems * Viewed as Unhealthy Junk Food Being a fast food restaurant chain, A&W is perceived as unhealthy and customers may see it as just another fast food restaurant. Because their menu contains fat food such as Burger, Chicken, Hot Dogs, French french-fried potatoes, Nuggets, Ice Cream, Milkshakes etc, it may turn customers off as they do not provide a manikin of healthy alternative options.Being a family point restaurant, it is important that A&W first convince adults or parents to choose their dining fix to be at A&W because they are the ones that go through the buying power to bring their children to the restaurant. Hence, if adults or parents are convinc ed that the food offered by A&W is primarily unhealthy or simply seen as junk food, they pass on not consider bringing their family to dine there regularly, unless for rare treats. * Considered relatively dinky compared to competitors In 2003, A&W was acquired by YUM Brands.Currently for A&W, there are over 1,200 restaurants including 350 international stores in 16 countries and territories. Comparing this figure to other YUM s flagship stores, KFC has about 17,000 restaurants world blanket(a). McDonalds has over 34,000 stores world extensive, while Subway has 35,000 berths somewhat the world. With contrast to the other competitors, A&W is relatively handsome. b) Risks * Of being shut down cod to wild competitions In 1966, A&W launched their first business at Du tight fittingn Road, near the former University of Singapores Bukit Timah Campus.The chain was expanding fast, but due to fiery competitions from other fast food competitors, it eventually unlikable down in 2003. T hus, it is a risk to bring back A&W to Singapore as it has been shut down previously due to intense competition. * Of having in competency to handle high cost due to minuscular size Given A&Ws size, there is a risk of the company not being able to handle the high cost as compared to competitors. Because they are relatively minuscular in comparison to other fast food chain outlets, food inventory, logistics, transportation and other cost may come in as an outgrowth while for ompetitors it is not an produce as they already assimilate many outlets spread in Singapore. Potential The first A&W store heart-to-heart in Singapore in 1966. Back then, tribe were more conservative and health conscious which led to one of the reasons why A&W closed down in Singapore in the early 2000s. However, times have changed. Singaporeans these days are much affluent than they use to be. The younger generation is more career-oriented and this leads to more state eating out as they often work overti me. In the current fast-paced society, demand for moreconvenient meals is also increasing.Although sense of the importance of proper diet increased, fast-food, snacks and soft-drinkconsumption is also still on the rise. Wendys was first in Singapore during the 1980s. Not long before their opening, Wendys faced the very(prenominal) issue as A&W due to intense competition and as a result, collapsed and shut down their outlet which was in operation(p)(a) at Far East Plaza and Parkway Parade. However, in 2009, the US fast chain re heart-to-heart in Singapore at Lau Pa Sat in the Central Business District. Since then, they have grown and just recently opened their 11th restaurant at Jurong East MRT Station.Therefore, despite failing in the originally years, they manage to make a successful comeback and A&W should perhaps make a comeback too. Wendys comeback shows evidence that there is potential in the rise of fast food chain outlets. Competition AW operates in the product category o f fast food sandwich chains, which is highly agonistical and developed. Today,the three giants in the local fast-food business are McDonalds,Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King, with McDonalds leading the pack. A&W simply pukenot compete with the thousands of stores their rivals have world-wide.Although AW does not have the number of units or financial resources that some of its competitors have now, they do have good brand recognition since they bring about childhood memories to Singaporeans. (i) MacDonald The number of people who throngedMacDonalds first outlet opening was so largea world record was set for serving the worlds highest volume of hamburgers in a single day. Today, McDonald has over 120 restaurants across the island deal 1. 2 million customers both week. Around 9,000 employees keep the McDonalds restaurants running ship-shape.The popular chain is well-known for its magnanimous Macs, Quarter Pounders, and Chicken McNuggets. Most of the outlets are free-standing units offering dine-in and drive-through service. Today one piece of tailfind a McDonalds restaurantin almost every boxwood of the island and over 40 operating as 24hours stores. About 80% of the restaurants are run by franchisees or affiliates. (ii) Burger King BURGER KING commenced operations in Singapore since 1982 through the opening of its first restaurant at Peninsula Plaza. Over the years, Burger King Singapore Pte. Ltd. perates more than 40 restaurants in Singapore where customers across the island city croup enjoy the great and healthy flame-grilled taste of their products. Providing customers with a great dining experience in the areas of convenience, excellent service and friendly surroundings is and also for the wide and unique menu options is what Burger King achieved. In addition to its popular Whopper sandwich, the chain offers a selection of burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads, and breakfast items, along with beverages, desserts, and sides. (iii) KFCKFC is the le ader in the chicken segment in the Singapore Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) industry. There are over 15,000KFCoutlets in 105 countries and territories more or less the world. Upon entering every KFC outlets, one testament be captivated by the chickens aroma. At KFC, they offer high quality and great tasting food in a popular array of complete meals such as Daily Savers Meals, Snackers and Family Feast that enable the whole family to share a fun and satisfying experience with all the affordability and convenience of a fast food restaurant.The popular chain is well known for its fried chicken and its various incarnations chicken burgers, drumlets, nuggets, popcorn chicken. The chicken comes in various flavours original, spicy, crispy. Unique Selling Advantages * Worlds No. 1 Root Beer AW Root Beer is the worlds number one selling root beer float and is still mixed fresh daily and sold at hundreds of A&W restaurants. Customers dine at A&W to enjoy their touch sensation products li ke root beers floats, deep fried cheese curdsand waffles. Long Heritage When people talk about A&W in Singapore, they think of the prehistorical and memories because it is the first fast food restaurant in Singapore. Hence, the history behind A&W is a unique selling point as people result always remember A&W as they grew up eating it. Till now, they are still making memories and All American Food. Having a strong history over the brand A&W, is what other competitors cant achieved. Current Positioning Over the years, A&W has position themselves as a childhood fast food brand.Some positioning strategy that A&W has adopted go forth be emotional, functional and promotional. The emotional positioning potently taps into boomers memories of their youth at A&W, with the objective of creating smiles and reminisce. The functional positioning focuses on the simple indulgence of a great burger just like it was in 1956. The promotional positioning reflects great value for a premium product. A&W focus their efforts on baby boomers a market virtually ignore by the other fast-food chains.This group, born between 1946 and 1964, grew up with A&W drive-ins. The brand truly represents their youth and the simple joys that came along with it. We lack to bring back memories of these boomers having countless firsts at A&W growing up their first trip to a fast-food restaurant, graduating to their first Teen Burger, going out on their first date, driving their first car these were all very important and rich memories. It was clear that A&W is one of the few brands that have the right to ordain themselves with these milestones in boomers lives.We feel that the current positioning is strong and we believe it would work out for our objectives of our campaign. This insight became the basis for an important element of our campaign. IMC Strategies Overall Theme/ unsound Idea To bring back the fast food chain that Singaporeans grew up loving, focussing on our central theme, Bringing ba ck the good old days. * Creative Direction The advertising appeal that we would use to attract the help of consumers pass on be through emotional appeal because emotional appeal give be easier for us to relate our BIG IDEA and campaign to our target group.The way our enceinte find entrust be conveyed to consumers provide be through slice of life execution as it is able to portray a real life situation that consumers may face daily. As our big approximation is to bring back the good old times to consumer who patronize A&W on their re-opening, our advertising video will be about a man who had a hard time at work as his job pile stacks higher and higher but when he manner of straiting into A&W and drink their soupcon root beer float, flash back of the good times he had appeared in his brain making his frown and nerve-wracking face to turn into a wide smile, enjoying the moment.Public Relations * Publicity Vehicles Vehicle wraps is one of the most cost efficient advertising tools. Because we believe they have the ability to generate more advertising impressions than any other advertising medium available, we will be hiring three trucks to drive around high traffic areas such as Orchard Road to showcase that A&W is coming back to Singapore. We will feature our theme, Bringing back the good old memories near you to bring awareness to consumers that A&W is returning. Inside the truck, it will contain mini cans of A&W that we will be selling to the public.For every can purchased at $1, customers will get a free A&W balloon to show support for requireing to bring A&W back to Singapore. * Community Activities With the proceeds earned from the mini canned drinks, we will be donating 50% of the proceeds to poor families with low income. Since A&W is a family restaurant, we want to show the importance of family. Thus, A&W will donate proceeds of the earnings to people who de dole out it to show our welfare and concern, and to show the community that A&W cares about the society. Sales PromotionThere are various sales promotional tools that A&W can make use of to introduce their come-back in Singapore and so to stimulate trial, repeat or larger purchases. To suit our old school theme campaign, we have inflexible to make use of 4 incompatible sales promotional tools and they are namely coupons, contests/sweepstakes, price-off deal and frequency programs. Coupons will be distributed using social media website such as Facebook and twitter. A picture of the coupon will be posted on the official Facebook page of A&W and this coupon can be printed and will authorize them to 2 unlike benefits.On the day of the opening, consumers will be able to enjoy 10% off their total bill instantly upon flashing the coupon and after doing so, a take a hop back coupons printed in black and white using old school design will also be given to these consumers in order to pull ahead repeat purchase. The reason of combining this 2 contrastive method is becaus e of our old school theme. Since our theme focuses on bringing back childhood memories of the consumers, it would be more appropriate if we can make use of traditional marketing method.However, we will be using a small part of social media as it has pose increasingly popular among teenagers these days that make it a much easier and cost-efficient way to reach out to our consumers. However, this promotion will only be bindingated for a month to introduce the comeback of A&W. Our price-off deals includes set meals which will be available at all times. Since our target audiences are families and our marketing thought is to bring back childhood memories, family set meals is definitely a must-have in our menu.A frequency program will also be combined together with a contest to encourage consumers to try out all the different product that is available on the menu. A frequency card will be issued on your first alacarte purchase and 10 different stamps would need to be collected in orde r to enjoy the benefit and so to participate in the contest. These 10 collectible stamps represent the different alacarte items a stamp will be rewarded for each alacarte items being purchased. Collect all 10 different stamps and it will pacify customers to redeem a free set meal of the week.Upon redemption, personal data will need to be filled in at the back of the card to redeem their prizes. This can also be reference for our customer database. individualised Selling For our campaign, we will be having staffs going around the event areas to serve and answer any enquiries by our audience. For example, our staffs will explain to them the main objectives of this campaign and the main reason in bringing back A&W. These will very nature relationships with customers by understanding their needs and demands. Not only that, we can solve their doubts and recommend ways to satisfy them.Also, our mascots will be going around interacting and bonding with the customers. Customers can take pictures with our mascots or even talk to it. After our campaign, more customers would be informed and will patronize our stores. This will in truth brings popularity and publicity for A&W. Direct Marketing & Online Communication Flyers will be distributed to the public around neighbourhood and town areas. This will help increase the awareness of consumers that are shopping or staying nearby, giving them a heads-up of whats going on around them.To ensure that these Flyers will not be treated as junk mail, a free ice-cream coupon will be attached to it. However, consumers can only redeem the free ice cream upon purchasing a set meal. Though our main focus is to publicize re-launching of A&W using alfresco, however there is also a need to use juvenile media to reach out to the younger group of consumers who have not heard of A&W before. We will plan to reach out to them through the gist of social media platforms such as facebook and twitter.We will post pictures about during A&W st ore renovation and what are the varieties of food that A&W will be offering to keep them updated and excited to A&Ws countdown. We will also set up a local A&W website so that the younger generations can find out more about us through this heart and soul of platform. Media Strategy & Media Mix (a) Advertising Campaign With the results that we have obtained through our surveys, we have headstrong to come out with an advertising campaign for A&W with the objective of letting A&W bring back childhood memories and happiness back to our target audience.Our campaign tag line will be A&W, bringing back the good old times. This advertising campaign is to promote brand recall to our target audience that A&W is back to serve them their favourite Signature Root Beer Float, Curly heat and their other specialties. We have decided to use local advertising as our aim is to bring A&W back to Singapore. Since our campaign objective and big idea is to bring back old memories, we will be using tra ditional media such as outdoorsy posters of media class and media vehicle as well to advertise on A&W will be coming back to Singapore.Media class is a broad category of media such as broadcast, print, outdoor, interactive and etc. Out of all these, we will be choosing outdoor prints advertisements as many people are expecting to see A&W advertisements at outdoor places. Media vehicles will be at bus stops, train stations and even on buses. Thus, for bus stops, we will be having a simple advert of A&Ws logo and campaign theme with a digital countdown system at the bottom of the poster, stating how many more days to AWs re-opening.For train stations, we have decided to have our advert to be former(prenominal)e at Toa Payoh station as it is a district located in the central region of Singapore with many housing estates and facilities around them. Hence, it would be great for us to put our advertisements there as it is not that expensive compared to placing it at orchard and Toa Payo h is more of a family oriented place. So, it would be a win-win situation for us as not only could we save money but we would be able to reach out to our target audience which is families as well.Lastly, for buses, we have decided to check a few buses to have A&Ws advertisement on them while inside of the bus will have mini advertisement posters hanging on the poles where anybody who takes it will be given a 20% off when purchasing from AW when they re-open in Singapore. Another media class that we will be choosing is television channels. As for the media vehicles will be television channels such as beam 8 and telephone line 5. The reason why we have chose these 2 channels is because people are expecting to see our advertisements on TV and Channel 5 8 audience are mostly families.Hence, it matches with our target audience. Continuity scheduling technique will be used to re-reach to our target audience so that we can arouse more charge from the public. The television advertisemen t that we will be coming out with will be more family oriented, focusing on our theme of bringing back the good old times. There will be approximately 4 parts of the scene which depicts how AW will bring back the good old times to consumers from the new technology world. It will also show howAW will release their stressful life after visiting AW where flashback of good old memories made their day a better one. Every week one scene will be played and at the end of the 4 weeks, it will be also the day where AW re-open in Singapore. Though there are downsides of selecting these media tools such as high takings cost and short exposure time but we are confident that with the correct mending for our posters to be placed up at and with interesting television advertisement, we will be able to gain the response that we are targeting to achieve. b) Marketing Mix Strategies Product People remember AW for their unique root beer float over the years till now. Today, it has franchise locations throughout much of the world, serving a typical fast food menu of hamburgers and French fries, as well as hot dogs. One would be able to enjoy the unique and quality food served in AW outlets at the uniform time creating/recalling memories of the past times at AW. Not only that, AW packaging colors of brown, white, orange and yellow also left an impactful impressions to their customers.Place The place of our campaign will be all around Singapore but putting more focus at Toa Payoh as we are mean to re-open the AW outlet there. The reason why we choose Toa Payoh is due to the high traffic flow of families around that area. They have many facilities like Safra, fluent Complex, library, movie theatre and neighbourhood schools which would attract many school kids and families who visit Toa Payoh for their variety of facilities over there. Hence the selection of the location where our main campaign location will be along with the big poster of AW reopening paste on the train station of Toa Payoh.Price The price of AW modular food combos will be approximately from $5 to $8. Prices are stated based on analysis of other competitors price and cost of product. Besides tired food combos which includes main course and their skin senses root beer float, AW will also sell ala cart items such as their curly fries, burgers and others. timed curly fries will be set at $2 will large curly fries will be $3. For their regular skin senses root beer float will be $2. 95 while large tinge root beer float will be $3. 5 and jumbo signature root beer float for two will be charged at $4. 95. Promotion During the campaign period, customers who visit AW with the mini advertisement that they took from the busses will be entitled to a 20% discount on mensuration food combos purchased or a total bill of $5 and above. This promotion will last one month from the day of reopening of AW at Toa Payoh. The promotion is created to attract the crowd back to AW and also management of the public. Campaign figure Description Quantity Duration Pay rate Total Public Relations 1. Trucks 3 3 hrs $150/day $450 2. Drivers (3hrs/day) 3 3 hrs $15/hr $135 3. Workers 6 3 hrs $6/hr $108 4. Donations $150 Sales Promotion 5. Printing of Coupons 50,000 $1000 6. Coupon Value(Digital Coupon) 50,000 $25,000 7. toil of Frequency Card 50,000 $3000 Direct Marketing 8. ware of Flyers 100,000 $2500 9. Flyer Distributor 5 10 hours $6/hr $300 10. Mascot 1 8 hours $8/hr $64 Advertising 1. Poster Space Toa Payoh MRT Station 1 2. 5 weeks $15,000 12. Poster Space All Toa Payoh Bus Stops 2. 5 weeks $10,000 13. Advertising Comfort Delgro 2. 5 weeks $8,000 14. Print Productions for posters etc. $30,000 15. TV commercial (15seconds)AirTime on Channel 8 3 one-armed bandits/day 2 weeks $500/time slot $1500/day $21,000 16. TV commercial (15seconds)AirTime on Channel 5 3 slots/day 2 weeks $500/time slot $1500/day $21,000 Total $137,707 Round-Up Budget $150,000Marketing a & WExecutive Summary A&W Restaurants, Inc. is a chain of fast-food restaurants that specialize in root beer and root beer floats. It is the first fast food restaurant in Singapore and expansion was fast in the early nineties, but in 2003, A&Ws Singapore operations came to an end. Many Singaporeans grew up eating A&W, and that is one reason why many people are protesting for it to make a comeback in Singapore. Hence, our campaign will draw an emotional appeal, focusing on the theme, Bringing back the good old memories.Based on this central theme, this report covers the Public Relations, Sales Promotions, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing and Budget proposed for the nature of our campaign. A survey was conducted and given out to 80 random applicants to find out more about what they think of the organisation. Online research was also done to examine some of the risks or problems faced in the marketplace, its potential, competition, unique selling advantages and A& Ws current positioning. Lastly, we have come up with creative strategies to enhance the advertising campaign. Bringing back the good old times focuses on the old days so we will mainly be using traditional media to stay consistent to our theme. As many youngsters these days use social media to connect, we will also be using a few online methods to stay connected to the new generation. Lastly, putting into consideration the aspects of our personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing and advertising costs, the proposed costing for the total campaign will be approximately $137,707. IMC Objectives * AdvertisingTo bring back A&W to Singapore by creating brand awareness through focussing on our central theme, Bringing back the good old days and to create the likeability of amongst 80% of our target audience. * Public Relations To create interest and maintain positive image for A&W by drawing as much publicity as possible, and gain huge exposure to reach out to our target audience w ith 30% additional publicity. * Sales promotion Uses price, coupons to help drive and increase attendance by 30% and to also encourage brand switching.Increase consumption and A&Ws sales by at least 3% and to add at least 5% to overall market share by 2015. Agency Introduction Based in Singapore, APG Advertising Pte Ltd was established in 1996 providing a comprehensive range of services. We take the task of understanding the business and propose attractive promotions or campaigns, tailored to your specific industry and budget. We also help clients and our teams put more creativity into campaign planning and capable of handling a variety of advertising for business of different natures.Our teams of professionals, armed with expert knowledge of current trends in the market, embark on providing refreshing marketing ideas to kick start your businesses. We service to not only the local market, but also have our global networks, particularly to Asia, such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippin es, Indonesia and Thailand. APG Advertising Agency possesses skilled employees who have combined experience of over 25 years servicing to the local and international industry. We are a fully accredited service agency.We have run print ads, bus advertisements, MRT advertisements, radio/television commercials, point of sales ads, marketing brochures, brand building and have even created websites. Some of the big firms who have used our services include Bank of China, Maybank, Hyflux, Serta, etc. Accreditations from well-known Institutions * Association of Accredited Advertising Agents, Singapore (4As) * Institute of Advertising, Singapore (IAS) * Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) * MediaCorp Singapore classify (MCS) Various Campaigns (Pls refer to Appendix) * Aberdeen * Realstar * Singapore International (Motor Show) * Natas TravelBackground Research Clients Background A&W Restaurants, Inc. was established in 1919 in Lodi, California, United States. It is a chain of fast-food restaurant s that specialize in root beer and root beer floats. The name A&W came about from the surname of the initials Roy W. Allen and Frank Wright. Hence, started the companys humble beginnings, as A&W. The first fast food restaurant in Singapore was not McDonalds or KFC, it was A&W. The chains expansion was fast in the early nineties, but in the late nineties, the branch at Singapore Zoo closed down, leaving Singapore with seven outlets remaining in 2002.A year later, A&Ws Singapore operations came to an end after shutting down their last outlet at Hougang Heartland Mall. Being the first fast food restaurant in Singapore, A&W left a huge impact on many Singaporeans as they grew up eating A&W. Long before MacDonald, KFC and Burger King came into the picture, it was the most favourite among the teens. It was seen to be cool hanging out in A&W restaurant. Whether it was an easy takeaway (A&W drive through), indulging in fast food, or giving a good treat to pamper oneself, A&W was always ther e. Hence, many Singaporeans yearn for A&W to make a comeback.On Facebook, there are many pages created by fans, called Like to bring back A&W in Singapore, Bring back A&W restaurant in Singapore and many other pages that support A&W into coming back to Singapore. The pages have over 18,000 likes and every now and then, fans would post comments on the wall asking when they are making a comeback or why have they left. Whenever Singaporeans visit Malaysia or Batam, the first thing they think of is to visit the nearest A&W restaurant as well. This shows evidence that A&W has left a huge impression despite drowning due to intense competition.Demand is undoubtedly high and the memories A&W created for its customers is so strong that people are protesting for it to come back until today. Situation Analysis Problems/Risks faced in the Marketplace a) Problems * Viewed as Unhealthy Junk Food Being a fast food restaurant chain, A&W is perceived as unhealthy and customers may see it as just ano ther fast food restaurant. Because their menu contains fatty food such as Burger, Chicken, Hot Dogs, French Fries, Nuggets, Ice Cream, Milkshakes etc, it may turn customers off as they do not provide a variety of healthy alternative options.Being a family oriented restaurant, it is important that A&W first convince adults or parents to choose their dining experience to be at A&W because they are the ones that have the buying power to bring their children to the restaurant. Hence, if adults or parents are convinced that the food offered by A&W is more often than not unhealthy or simply seen as junk food, they will not consider bringing their family to dine there regularly, unless for rare treats. * Considered relatively small compared to competitors In 2003, A&W was acquired by YUM Brands.Currently for A&W, there are over 1,200 restaurants including 350 international stores in 16 countries and territories. Comparing this figure to other YUM s flagship stores, KFC has about 17,000 r estaurants worldwide. McDonalds has over 34,000 stores worldwide, while Subway has 35,000 locations around the world. With contrast to the other competitors, A&W is relatively small. b) Risks * Of being shut down due to fierce competitions In 1966, A&W launched their first business at Dunearn Road, near the former University of Singapores Bukit Timah Campus.The chain was expanding fast, but due to fierce competitions from other fast food competitors, it eventually closed down in 2003. Thus, it is a risk to bring back A&W to Singapore as it has been shut down previously due to intense competition. * Of having inability to handle high cost due to small size Given A&Ws size, there is a risk of the company not being able to handle the high cost as compared to competitors. Because they are relatively small in comparison to other fast food chain outlets, food inventory, logistics, transportation and other cost may come in as an issue while for ompetitors it is not an issue as they already have many outlets spread in Singapore. Potential The first A&W store opened in Singapore in 1966. Back then, people were more conservative and health conscious which led to one of the reasons why A&W closed down in Singapore in the early 2000s. However, times have changed. Singaporeans these days are much affluent than they used to be. The younger generation is more career-oriented and this leads to more people eating out as they often work overtime. In the current fast-paced society, demand for moreconvenient meals is also increasing.Although awareness of the importance of proper diet increased, fast-food, snacks and soft-drinkconsumption is also still on the rise. Wendys was first in Singapore during the 1980s. Not long before their opening, Wendys faced the same issue as A&W due to intense competition and as a result, collapsed and shut down their outlet which was operating at Far East Plaza and Parkway Parade. However, in 2009, the US fast chain reopened in Singapore at Lau Pa Sat in the Central Business District. Since then, they have grown and just recently opened their 11th restaurant at Jurong East MRT Station.Therefore, despite failing in the in the first place years, they manage to make a successful comeback and A&W should perhaps make a comeback too. Wendys comeback shows evidence that there is potential in the rise of fast food chain outlets. Competition AW operates in the product category of fast food sandwich chains, which is highly rivalrous and developed. Today,the three giants in the local fast-food business are McDonalds,Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King, with McDonalds leading the pack. A&W simply cannot compete with the thousands of stores their rivals have world-wide.Although AW does not have the number of units or financial resources that some of its competitors have now, they do have good brand recognition since they bring about childhood memories to Singaporeans. (i) MacDonald The number of people who throngedMacDonalds first ou tlet opening was so largea world record was set for serving the worlds highest volume of hamburgers in a single day. Today, McDonald has over 120 restaurants across the island serve 1. 2 million customers every week. Around 9,000 employees keep the McDonalds restaurants running ship-shape.The popular chain is well-known for its tolerant Macs, Quarter Pounders, and Chicken McNuggets. Most of the outlets are free-standing units offering dine-in and drive-through service. Today one canfind a McDonalds restaurantin almost every turning point of the island and over 40 operating as 24hours stores. About 80% of the restaurants are run by franchisees or affiliates. (ii) Burger King BURGER KING commenced operations in Singapore since 1982 through the opening of its first restaurant at Peninsula Plaza. Over the years, Burger King Singapore Pte. Ltd. perates more than 40 restaurants in Singapore where customers across the island city can enjoy the great and healthy flame-grilled taste of the ir products. Providing customers with a great dining experience in the areas of convenience, excellent service and friendly surroundings is and also for the wide and unique menu options is what Burger King achieved. In addition to its popular Whopper sandwich, the chain offers a selection of burgers, chicken sandwiches, salads, and breakfast items, along with beverages, desserts, and sides. (iii) KFCKFC is the leader in the chicken segment in the Singapore Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) industry. There are over 15,000KFCoutlets in 105 countries and territories around the world. Upon entering every KFC outlets, one will be captivated by the chickens aroma. At KFC, they offer high quality and great tasting food in a popular array of complete meals such as Daily Savers Meals, Snackers and Family Feast that enable the whole family to share a fun and satisfying experience with all the affordability and convenience of a fast food restaurant.The popular chain is well known for its fried ch icken and its various incarnations chicken burgers, drumlets, nuggets, popcorn chicken. The chicken comes in various flavours original, spicy, crispy. Unique Selling Advantages * Worlds No. 1 Root Beer AW Root Beer is the worlds number one selling root beer float and is still mixed fresh daily and sold at hundreds of A&W restaurants. Customers dine at A&W to enjoy their signature products like root beers floats, deep fried cheese curdsand waffles. Long Heritage When people talk about A&W in Singapore, they think of the past and memories because it is the first fast food restaurant in Singapore. Hence, the history behind A&W is a unique selling point as people will always remember A&W as they grew up eating it. Till now, they are still making memories and All American Food. Having a strong history over the brand A&W, is what other competitors cant achieved. Current Positioning Over the years, A&W has position themselves as a childhood fast food brand.Some positioning strategy that A&W has adopted will be emotional, functional and promotional. The emotional positioning powerfully taps into boomers memories of their youth at A&W, with the objective of creating smiles and reminisce. The functional positioning focuses on the simple indulgence of a great burger just like it was in 1956. The promotional positioning reflects great value for a premium product. A&W focus their efforts on baby boomers a market virtually disregard by the other fast-food chains.This group, born between 1946 and 1964, grew up with A&W drive-ins. The brand truly represents their youth and the simple joys that came along with it. We want to bring back memories of these boomers having countless firsts at A&W growing up their first trip to a fast-food restaurant, graduating to their first Teen Burger, going out on their first date, driving their first car these were all very important and rich memories. It was clear that A&W is one of the few brands that have the right to adapt themselves w ith these milestones in boomers lives.We feel that the current positioning is strong and we believe it would work out for our objectives of our campaign. This insight became the basis for an important element of our campaign. IMC Strategies Overall Theme/ massive Idea To bring back the fast food chain that Singaporeans grew up loving, focussing on our central theme, Bringing back the good old days. * Creative Direction The advertising appeal that we would use to attract the attending of consumers will be through emotional appeal because emotional appeal will be easier for us to relate our BIG IDEA and campaign to our target group.The way our big idea will be conveyed to consumers will be through slice of life execution as it is able to portray a real life situation that consumers may face daily. As our big idea is to bring back the good old times to consumer who patronize A&W on their re-opening, our advertising video will be about a man who had a hard time at work as his job pile stacks higher and higher but when he walk into A&W and drink their signature root beer float, flash back of the good times he had appeared in his brain making his frown and stressful face to turn into a wide smile, enjoying the moment.Public Relations * Publicity Vehicles Vehicle wraps is one of the most cost efficient advertising tools. Because we believe they have the ability to generate more advertising impressions than any other advertising medium available, we will be hiring three trucks to drive around high traffic areas such as Orchard Road to showcase that A&W is coming back to Singapore. We will feature our theme, Bringing back the good old memories near you to bring awareness to consumers that A&W is returning. Inside the truck, it will contain mini cans of A&W that we will be selling to the public.For every can purchased at $1, customers will get a free A&W balloon to show support for wanting to bring A&W back to Singapore. * Community Activities With the proceeds earned from the mini canned drinks, we will be donating 50% of the proceeds to poor families with low income. Since A&W is a family restaurant, we want to show the importance of family. Thus, A&W will donate proceeds of the earnings to people who deserve it to show our welfare and concern, and to show the community that A&W cares about the society. Sales PromotionThere are various sales promotional tools that A&W can make use of to introduce their come-back in Singapore and so to stimulate trial, repeat or larger purchases. To suit our old school theme campaign, we have decided to make use of 4 different sales promotional tools and they are namely coupons, contests/sweepstakes, price-off deal and frequency programs. Coupons will be distributed using social media website such as Facebook and twitter. A picture of the coupon will be posted on the official Facebook page of A&W and this coupon can be printed and will entitle them to 2 different benefits.On the day of the opening, consumers wil l be able to enjoy 10% off their total bill instantly upon flashing the coupon and after doing so, a abjure back coupons printed in black and white using old school design will also be given to these consumers in order to encourage repeat purchase. The reason of combining this 2 different method is because of our old school theme. Since our theme focuses on bringing back childhood memories of the consumers, it would be more appropriate if we can make use of traditional marketing method.However, we will be using a small part of social media as it has wrick increasingly popular among teenagers these days that make it a much easier and cost-efficient way to reach out to our consumers. However, this promotion will only be valid for a month to introduce the comeback of A&W. Our price-off deals includes set meals which will be available at all times. Since our target audiences are families and our marketing idea is to bring back childhood memories, family set meals is definitely a must- have in our menu.A frequency program will also be combined together with a contest to encourage consumers to try out all the different product that is available on the menu. A frequency card will be issued on your first alacarte purchase and 10 different stamps would need to be collected in order to enjoy the benefit and so to participate in the contest. These 10 collectible stamps represent the different alacarte items a stamp will be rewarded for each alacarte items being purchased. Collect all 10 different stamps and it will entitle customers to redeem a free set meal of the week.Upon redemption, personal data will need to be filled in at the back of the card to redeem their prizes. This can also be reference for our customer database. Personal Selling For our campaign, we will be having staffs going around the event areas to serve and answer any enquiries by our audience. For example, our staffs will explain to them the main objectives of this campaign and the main reason in bri nging back A&W. These will actually nature relationships with customers by understanding their needs and demands. Not only that, we can solve their doubts and recommend ways to satisfy them.Also, our mascots will be going around interacting and bonding with the customers. Customers can take pictures with our mascots or even talk to it. After our campaign, more customers would be informed and will patronize our stores. This will actually brings popularity and publicity for A&W. Direct Marketing & Online Communication Flyers will be distributed to the public around neighbourhood and town areas. This will help increase the awareness of consumers that are shopping or staying nearby, giving them a heads-up of whats going on around them.To ensure that these Flyers will not be treated as junk mail, a free ice-cream coupon will be attached to it. However, consumers can only redeem the free ice cream upon purchasing a set meal. Though our main focus is to publicize re-launching of A&W using outdoor, however there is also a need to use new media to reach out to the younger group of consumers who have not heard of A&W before. We will plan to reach out to them through the means of social media platforms such as facebook and twitter.We will post pictures about during A&W store renovation and what are the varieties of food that A&W will be offering to keep them updated and excited to A&Ws countdown. We will also set up a local A&W website so that the younger generations can find out more about us through this means of platform. Media Strategy & Media Mix (a) Advertising Campaign With the results that we have obtained through our surveys, we have decided to come out with an advertising campaign for A&W with the objective of letting A&W bring back childhood memories and happiness back to our target audience.Our campaign tag line will be A&W, bringing back the good old times. This advertising campaign is to promote brand recall to our target audience that A&W is back to serve them their favourite Signature Root Beer Float, Curly Fries and their other specialties. We have decided to use local advertising as our aim is to bring A&W back to Singapore. Since our campaign objective and big idea is to bring back old memories, we will be using traditional media such as outdoor posters of media class and media vehicle as well to advertise on A&W will be coming back to Singapore.Media class is a broad category of media such as broadcast, print, outdoor, interactive and etc. Out of all these, we will be choosing outdoor prints advertisements as many people are expecting to see A&W advertisements at outdoor places. Media vehicles will be at bus stops, train stations and even on buses. Thus, for bus stops, we will be having a simple advert of A&Ws logo and campaign theme with a digital countdown system at the bottom of the poster, stating how many more days to AWs re-opening.For train stations, we have decided to have our advert to be paste at Toa Payoh station as it is a district located in the central region of Singapore with many housing estates and facilities around them. Hence, it would be great for us to put our advertisements there as it is not that expensive compared to placing it at orchard and Toa Payoh is more of a family oriented place. So, it would be a win-win situation for us as not only could we save money but we would be able to reach out to our target audience which is families as well.Lastly, for buses, we have decided to check a few buses to have A&Ws advertisement on them while inside of the bus will have mini advertisement posters hanging on the poles where anybody who takes it will be given a 20% off when purchasing from AW when they re-open in Singapore. Another media class that we will be choosing is television channels. As for the media vehicles will be television channels such as Channel 8 and Channel 5. The reason why we have chose these 2 channels is because people are expecting to see our advertisements on TV and Channel 5 8 audience are mostly families.Hence, it matches with our target audience. Continuity scheduling technique will be used to re-reach to our target audience so that we can arouse more attention from the public. The television advertisement that we will be coming out with will be more family oriented, focusing on our theme of bringing back the good old times. There will be approximately 4 parts of the scene which depicts how AW will bring back the good old times to consumers from the new technology world. It will also show howAW will release their stressful life after visiting AW where flashback of good old memories made their day a better one. Every week one scene will be played and at the end of the 4 weeks, it will be also the day where AW re-open in Singapore. Though there are downsides of selecting these media tools such as high issue cost and short exposure time but we are confident that with the correct location for our posters to be placed up at and with interestin g television advertisement, we will be able to gain the response that we are targeting to achieve. b) Marketing Mix Strategies Product People remember AW for their unique root beer float over the years till now. Today, it has franchise locations throughout much of the world, serving a typical fast food menu of hamburgers and French fries, as well as hot dogs. One would be able to enjoy the unique and quality food served in AW outlets at the same time creating/recalling memories of the past times at AW. Not only that, AW packaging colors of brown, white, orange and yellow also left an impactful impressions to their customers.Place The place of our campaign will be all around Singapore but putting more focus at Toa Payoh as we are planning to re-open the AW outlet there. The reason why we choose Toa Payoh is due to the high traffic flow of families around that area. They have many facilities like Safra, naiant Complex, library, movie theatre and neighbourhood schools which would attr act many school kids and families who visit Toa Payoh for their variety of facilities over there. Hence the selection of the location where our main campaign location will be along with the big poster of AW reopening paste on the train station of Toa Payoh.Price The price of AW modular food combos will be approximately from $5 to $8. Prices are stated based on analysis of other competitors price and cost of product. Besides standard food combos which includes main course and their signature root beer float, AW will also sell ala cart items such as their curly fries, burgers and others. level(p) curly fries will be set at $2 will large curly fries will be $3. For their regular signature root beer float will be $2. 95 while large signature root beer float will be $3. 5 and jumbo signature root beer float for two will be charged at $4. 95. Promotion During the campaign period, customers who visit AW with the mini advertisement that they took from the busses will be entitled to a 20% discount on standard food combos purchased or a total bill of $5 and above. This promotion will last one month from the day of reopening of AW at Toa Payoh. The promotion is created to attract the crowd back to AW and also attention of the public. Campaign Budget Description Quantity Duration Pay rate Total Public Relations 1. Trucks 3 3 hrs $150/day $450 2. Drivers (3hrs/day) 3 3 hrs $15/hr $135 3. Workers 6 3 hrs $6/hr $108 4. Donations $150 Sales Promotion 5. Printing of Coupons 50,000 $1000 6. Coupon Value(Digital Coupon) 50,000 $25,000 7. Production of Frequency Card 50,000 $3000 Direct Marketing 8. Production of Flyers 100,000 $2500 9. Flyer Distributor 5 10 hours $6/hr $300 10. Mascot 1 8 hours $8/hr $64 Advertising 1. Poster Space Toa Payoh MRT Station 1 2. 5 weeks $15,000 12. Poster Space All Toa Payoh Bus Stops 2. 5 weeks $10,000 13. Advertising Comfort Delgro 2. 5 weeks $8,000 14. Print Productions for posters etc. $30,000 15. TV commercial (15seconds)AirTime on Channel 8 3 slots/day 2 weeks $500/time slot $1500/day $21,000 16. TV commercial (15seconds)AirTime on Channel 5 3 slots/day 2 weeks $500/time slot $1500/day $21,000 Total $137,707 Round-Up Budget $150,000

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Psychologists and Psychiatrist

Psychology is a fascinating subject that carries a shell out room for interpretation. Psychology being a relatively new scientific arena concerns to grow due to exploring of experts into studies of the mind and behaviors directed by the brain. Psychologists and Psychiatrist continue to discover new methods of therapy to administer psychological disorders. Cognitive therapy is the fastest growing and most extensively studied form of psychotherapy in America. Cognitive therapy dialect focuses on present thinking problems.The website I chose is www. nytimes. com/library/ case/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html. I chose this website because it contains an article about Dr. Aaron Beck, who is the founder of cognitive therapy. Dr. Becks k at a timeledge of psychological difficulties lies within thinking problems. Unlike behavioristic, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and trait theorists, cognitive theorists believe that psychological problems lie within current thoughts. Disorde rs are a result of a patients desire to relish in self-deprecating thoughts.This article explains how Dr. Beck discovered cognitive therapy and decided to leave Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic approach behind. Dr. Beck attended the Philadelphia institute in 1958. There he begin to conquer his fears of blood and pain due to a staph infection from surgery on his broken arm veritable due to his mothers overprotective behavior which caused him to restrict his activities as he also developed a phobia of getting hurt. Dr. Beck conquered his fears by teaching himself to recondition his thoughts.Dr. Becks cognitive therapy intent is to countervail distorted thinking patterns by challenging patients to explore positive and beneficial thoughts. He encourages patients to test their perceptions of themselves and others, as if they were scientists testing hypotheses. The root of cognitive therapy is to help patients to first realize their how their thoughts can be self-deprecating and then he aims to condition their present thoughts to new thinking. Dr. Beck is methodical about his cognitive therapy. First Dr.Beck listens to the patient and then he asks questions to help them conquer irrational thinking. There are some behaviorist psychologists who appose Dr. Becks cognitive theory. These critics tint that thought can not be measured objectively. One Dr. Kleins position is that cognitive therapy is just a morale booster, and not the therapeutic solutions it promises. My boilersuit evaluation of this website is how well rounded the information covered the subject. It provided an in depth analysis of the cognitive theory how it was conceived, who will benefit most from it, and the methodology used.I recoup it fascinating that a person can perform psych therapy on themselves just by simple reconditioning their thoughts. Sometimes I find myself obsessing over small things, and now I can practice to condition myself to refrain from obsessive thoughts. I would really like to learn more about the methodology used to treat cognitively and more details about the results shown with patients. I plan on conducting more research on cognitive theory to find other cognitive theorists and their methodologies.This article has taught me more about myself and how I can improve my relationships by positive thinking. This article has shown me how to identify certain thoughts that I would prefer to refrain from thinking, and how to correct them. Definitions Deprecate means to deplore something, depreciate means to belittle something or to treat it as unimportant. However, self-deprecating, in the sense disparaging oneself, modestly understating ones own abilities has die firmly established, although some people deprecate this usage.Berate to rebuke or scold angrily and at length. Prosaic commonplace or dull unimaginative educational activity a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct, an injunction as to moral conduct Pragmatist a person who is oriented toward the success or failure of a particular line of action, thought, etc Works Cited Goode, E. A Pragmatic Man and His No-Nonsense Therapy. www. nytimes. com/library/national/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html 11 Jan. 2000.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Burning Bright

Is It Love? Burning Bright is a story about an older wo patch marrying a man young enough to be her son. Marcie is almost sixty. When her husband Arthur died and the local help fell away, she endured incredible loneliness at the end of a five-mile dirt cutting until the church recommended a handyman, Carl, who could help out on the farm. This silent man from nowhere marries Marcie, but remains mysterious. In the twenty-first century, seeing an older women and a young man is common. For most people though, the question is if the couple is truly in love.Many older women and men have large sums of money which could be minded(p) to their younger spouse if they die. In Rosh Rashs Burning Bright, Marcie is much older than Carl, and there is a huge disconnect in their relationship because of age. The first question that has to be answered is if Marcies marriage with Carl is a be harpvable love story. I think that it is not really a true love story. There is a part in the story where Carl and Marcie be talking about why he has not been married, and Carl tells Marcie that she is not too old for him(Rash 7).Farther on in the story, when Marcie and Carl got together, they did not have the common fairytale love story meeting. Carl met Marcie because of the preacher giving him some much needed work. He got laid off from his carpentry Job. Marcie dated Carl Just because she became lonely. Later, they are at dinner, and Marcie conceit that their conversation would get more comfortable. When she tries to talk to him about the fire, Carl is very short with her on words and tries to make the conversation short. He did not like to be around her, so he would sit outside and attend to himself.When they go to bed, they show love to each other, but it is the same function every day. It is basically a routine for them. One of the examples that they use for their routine would be when Marcie says, But at night as she readied herself for bed, hed always come in. Theyd lie down tog ether and hed turn to kiss her good night, always on the mouth. Three, four nights a week that kiss would linger and then quilts and sheets would be pulled second (Rash). I found this particularly interesting at the end of the story when Marcie chooses to pray for rain. She is praying for Carl to stop burning items.She also praying for her quality of life back, something Carl could give her. Marcie mentions she thought the longer they were together, the more he would talk, but it is not so. I think that their marriage will probably not last as long as they want it too, but as long as their both trying to work things out together, as of getting Carl to talk they relationship should be great. instanter days, couples Just like Marcie and Carl. Some relationships are different than Marcie and Carls relationship. What are some thoughts about the relationships in the world today thats Just like Marcie and Carl?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

Justin Goings Debra Dockter English Composition October 12th 2012 The definition of do it may be unique to the individual, if it stick out be defined at all The relishing you carry when you first look upon your new born child, the radiant warmth in your face when you prescribe I do at the altar, or the divine feeling in your chest when you pray. Every one of these situations could be used to describe jockey. Its an perception so richly embedded into our minds, that every single one of us can say theyve experienced it in their lives. Some might so far say theyve molded their existence around it. further, while we are all familiar with love, the situations in which we encounter it are so diverse that the definition has become unique to the individual person. What We Talk intimately When We Talk about Love does an amazing job of forcing the reader to wonder what this feeling really means to them. What starts out as a normal conversation between four friends almost turns into a harsh debate on the elusive nature of love. Of the four bulk in the fib the person that appears to struggle with the topic the most is Mel. The author seems to use a chomp of symbolism in his story by making Mel a cardiologist.Almost as if saying because he is a heart doctor, he would have plenty to say about matters of the heart. Mels original position is that real love is zip less than spiritual love, notwithstanding he quickly becomes unsatisfied with his original answer. Seeing the affection between Nick and Laura makes him analyze the question even further. He eventually goes into a story about an elderly couple that was gravely injured in a car accident and it looks like he is dismission to have a strong aspire, moreover somehow he cant exactly describe what it is.Despite Mels knowledge though, he still struggles to surface a clear answer. My favorite example in the story is when Mel is trying to explain sentimental love. He explains that he and Terri say that they love each other, yet they would both say that they have loved other people before them. That the saving grace is when one of them dies, the other might grieve for a while, just now will eventually love again. All of their love would just be a memory, if it was even that. This helps to illustrate that love is such an important part of peoples lives because that we are able to move on nd love again after tying such important emotional feelings with someone. But in relation to the story it leaves you feeling as if love has no meaning. Regardless of it being the saving grace he says it is, the thought seems to disturb Mel because at this point on he displays obvious aggression towards his wife. Nick, the narrator of the story, doesnt seem to have to many vocal opinions on what love actually means to him, but its his observations or actions that really seem to give away his stance. For example throughout the story he is constantly making gestures to his wife.Such as resting his hand on his her thigh, or kissing her hand. He is always showing his affection, leading you to believe that love for him and Laura is strictly sentimental. Its the only points in the story where I feel love was actually expressed and felt. It almost seems like the author is trying to say that even though they may never reach an agreement on what love is, actions are the only thing that matters in the end. The only character that touches on the fact that love is different from person to person is Mels wife, Terri.She explains that her ex loved her so much that he tried to kill her. Everyone else seems mortified by her story and they try their best to convince her that abuse is not love. However her opinion is important in explaining the diversity of the emotion, because even though her ex husband expressed it in a very unhealthy manner, all the characteristics of love were there. Even though no one else shares her feelings with the example, shes the only one with a solid idea of what it mea ns.Nick and Laura only show what they feel about love by touching each other gently, or by saying I love you. And Will talks like he has a slew of ideas on what the definition is, but by the end of the story you realize hes just as confused as everyone else. Terri is the only person that can actually express a view of love from personal experience. The sun setting in the story, in combination with the drinking seems to bring a loss of clarity on the subject as the friends continue to talk.Nick notes in the beginning that sunlight filled the kitchen from the big window behind the sink and the oecumenical mood of the party seems to be pretty happy. However as the conversation becomes a bit more complex and dark, Nick notes that the light in the kitchen is fading. The guests even seem to become more content to letting Will rant on. By the end of the story it is nighttime and no one is left talking. Youre left with an almost hopeless feeling and begin to wonder if any of them actually really love each other. What We Talk about When We Talk about Love was a story that I actually enjoyed reading a few times to try and understand. I believe that it illustrates the true diversity of the emotion and is a story to really make you think. Even though by the end you feel like love is almost hopeless, it is after a bit of reflection that you begin to realize the complexity of the word. It might not have an exact definition, and maybe its because of the inadequacy of the human language, but everyone will have a special example of what love really means to them.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Acceptable Use Policy Essay

An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is an organization-wide policy that defines what is alone toldowed and what is non every last(predicate)owed regarding use of cultivation Technology (IT) assets by employees. The following policy is to be followed by all employees of Richman Investments, authorized individuals, vendors, and contractors who use any(prenominal) information engine room (IT), electronic, or communication devices owned and/or provided by Richman Investments for the purpose of assisting them with their job-related duties.Access to the Internet is a perquisite and all employees must adhere to the policies regarding computer, email, and Internet usage. Violation of these policies will result in disciplinary and/or legal action that may include counseling, revocation of company devices, termination of the employee, and legal action. II. Roles and Responsibilities Every employee must acknowledge that they have received a copy of the AUP and confirm that they have a compl ete understand and agree to abide by the rules set forth in the AUP.See more Basic economical problem of Scarcity EssayReceipt and signing of the AUP will occur at Employee Orientation, and in the way out of changes to the policy, a revised AUP must be signed. III. Policy Directives A. Acceptable Use Management Requirements A touchstone Operating Procedure (SOP) will be established to support the development and maintenance of this AUP. Richman Investments management squad is responsible for keeping the AUP up to current standards and ensuring that new and current employees are kept abreast of major(ip) changes and that signatures are obtained from each employee following these changes.At a minimum, skills that should be included include annual exploiter Training and Awareness. A formal review cycle will be established to review all Acceptable Use initiatives. B. Ownership Any electronic files created, sent, received, or stored under the custody of Richman Investments are the billet of Richman Investments and use of these files by employees is neither personal nor private. Richman Investments management has the right to monitor and/or log all employee use with or without prior notice. C. Acceptable Use RequirementsAll users must tarradiddle any incidents of doable misuse or violation of this AUP. Users must not attempt to access any documents, data, email, or programs in which they are not authorized to do so. Users must report any weaknesses in computer tribute to the management and/or the appropriate security staff. Users must not share their account passwords, PINs, or Smartcards use for identification and authorization purposes. Users must not make any copies of copyrighted materials or Richman Investments-owned software.Users must not engage in activity that Richman Investments may consider to be indecent, obscene, offensive, or that is illegal according to any law. Users must not download, install or run security programs or utilities such as s canners or password cracking programs that exploit weaknesses in the security of Richman Investments computers systems. Access to the Internet from company-owned, home-based computers must follow all rules and regulations outlined for in-house computer resources.Any security issues will be reported to and followed up on by management for further investigation. D. Incidental Use Incidental use of email, Internet access, FAX machines, printers, and copiers is restricted to ratified users only and does not include family members. These must not result in direct costs to Richman Investments or cause legal action to be taken. Incidental use must not interfere with the normal performance of any employees work duties. Storage of voice messages, email messages, files and documents must be limited. IV. Enforcement, Auditing, reportingRichman Investments management is responsible for the periodic auditing and reporting of compliance with this policy. Violation of this policy may results in disciplinary action that may include counseling and/or termination, depending upon the seriousness of the infraction. Any employee may anonymously report policy violations via Richman Investments Intranet or by telephone at 303-303-3030. IV. References A. Richman Investment POLICY Information Security. 2013. P 1-6. B. Information Technology Acceptable Use Policies and Procedures. 2013. P 1-8. C. Internet Usage Policy. 2013. P 1-2.